The Model
Self Banking

Self-Banking Overview

Self-banking embodies the empowerment of individuals to perform all functions traditionally managed by banks, on their own. This involves the creation and management of accounts, executing transfers, monitoring balances, and navigating funds across various networks. While banks have been instrumental in societal development, their limitations are apparent. In the crypto realm, we strive for the same reliability but with enhanced autonomy.

Self-Custody: Absolute Control of Your Assets

The concept of self-custody is foundational to cryptocurrency, offering the ability to possess and manage your funds without intermediary trust. This principle underpins the transformative potential of crypto but also presents significant usability challenges.

Navigating Self-Custody

  • Holding Funds: How do individuals securely hold their own money?
  • Safeguarding Wealth: What measures ensure the safety of these funds?
  • Recovery Protocols: In the event of loss, incapacitation, or duress, how are funds recovered?
  • The Role of Technology: Assessing the contribution of software and hardware in self-custody.
  • Support Systems: Understanding the support structures that bolster self-banking.
  • Managerial Responsibilities: Your active role in managing and operating your financial resources.
  • Data and Privacy: How self-custody impacts the use of personal data and the balance between privacy and transparency.

The Bank Paradigm: A Critical Appraisal

Banks, for all their utility, come with drawbacks:

  • Ability to freeze or close accounts.
  • Risk of losing funds or identity data.
  • Profits made from customer funds are not shared with the account holders.
  • High-touch users may face inconsistent service requirements.

The Promise of Self-Banking

Self-banking is not just a feature; it’s a shift towards greater financial freedom:

  • Unparalleled control over accounts and funds.
  • Immunity from unilateral account shutdowns.
  • Enhanced privacy control.
  • Opportunities for greater financial returns on personal assets.
  • Risk mitigation from traditional banking systems and third-party entities.

Self-banking is not simply an alternative; it's a comprehensive reimagining of personal finance, placing power, control, and opportunity firmly in the hands of the individual.